
Last modified May17, 2021


Information to help you use Socially Worth It

Getting started

  1. Select Communities on the menu.
  2. Change the search filter options as required.
  3. Choose a Community and select Join Community. 

We highly recommend you join our Socially Worth It Community. It’s great for staying up-to-date with information from us, but it’s also great if you have a question or need a hand with our platform.

  1. Go to the Activity page, or to your Timeline via your profile and select the pencil icon in the top right-hand corner of your device.
  2. Start typing in the text editor box (Write here or use @ to mention someone). 
  3. To add a image select the camera icon.
  4. Next, choose who will see it.

The first of two choices is the Post in Profile option. 

When selecting this, you’ll also need to select one of the following privacy options.

  • Public: everyone will see your Post;
  • All Members: only logged in members will see your Post;
  • My Connections: your friends and followers will see your Post;
  • Only Me: you’ll be the only one who can see it.

The second choice is Post in Community. This allows you to post in one of the Communities you are a member of. 

Once you’re happy with everything, click Post in the top right-hand corner to publish it. 

There are several options available that will help you improve the look, and function of your profile. 

Some options include image uploads, your preferred user name (Nickname), email notification settings, password changes, and other privacy settings.

To get started:

  1. Select More.
  2. Choose your username.
  3. Select Profile.
  4. Choose Edit and make changes as required by selecting one of the available options.

Select Settings to make changes to your login information, privacy settings, and notification preferences etc.

  1. Navigate to their Profile page. This can be done by clicking on their name located on a Post, or by finding them in the members list.
  2. Select More and choose Block.

Blocked accounts do not receive a notification to let them know they’ve been blocked. 

Connections help you stay in touch with your friends, family, and businesses so you can focus on those you care about most. 

To start creating friendships, go to the users Profile and send them a Connection request by clicking on Connect. Alternatively you can choose to follow them so you remain updated with their activity.

You can choose to see:

  • Site-wide activity (All Updates);
  • Posts you have saved (Saved);
  • Content from your friends (Connections);
  • Updates from your communities (Communities);
  • Posts you’re tagged on (Mentions);
  • Updates from the users you follow (Following).

Socially Worth It is better with friends. Send your friends an email invitation so they can come and join us!

To start sending email invitations, head over to your profile and select Email Invites, fill in the recipient’s details, and click Send Invites.

Socially Worth It Loyalty Points are a user contribution reward. They are given to you when you interact with our platform in certain ways, some of which include:

  • Creating a Post;
  • Making a Comment;
  • Signing into our website;
  • Unlocking a certain Achievement.

Your Points can then be exchanged for items in one of our Swop Shops. 

App functions

Located at the bottom of your device is a Tab Bar, this allows you to easily navigate around our app.

Here’s how it works:

  • Activity – View site-wide Activity, or filter the feed to see the content that interests you most;
  • Communities – Displays Socially Worth Its communities, filter the results to suit yourself;
  • Messages – This is where you can create, read, and reply to your private messages; 
  • Notifications – This is where you’ll receive notifications for mentions, replies, community invitation requests, and more;
  • More – See below.

In the More section of the Tab Bar, you’ll find the following. 

Profile - your user name

An overview of your Socially Worth It account. See how many Posts and Comments you’ve made, look at the Communities you’ve joined, send your friends email invitations, edit your information, and much more. 


This section allows you to make changes to a variety of features and settings, they include:

  • Login information – change your email address and password;
  • Push notifications – choose which event notifications to receive;
  • Email preferences – choose which event notifications to receive via email;
  • Privacy settings – adjust your Profile visibility settings and select who can see your profile details;
  • Blocked members – review the members you have blocked;
  • Community invites – restrict Community invites requests to just your friends;
  • Export data – download a copy of all your data;
  • About – app information;
  • Send us feedback – how can we improve?
  • Report a bug – let us know if you experience a technical issue;
  • Logout – sign out from your account. 


Displays some of our newest members, recent activity, and random groups.


View Socially Worth It members, use one of the various filter options to change how they are listed.


Reach more people with one of our Socially Worth It advertising options! 

Points Transfer

This ones pretty simple. It’s used for transferring Socially Worth It Loyalty Points to another member in a Swop Shop exchange! 

Points Ladder

See who our top contributors are.

Frequently asked questions

Yes you can, and we’ll never restrict your reach when you use one of the following methods:

  • If you are using the Activity page to post – select the ‘Post in: Profile’ and the ‘My Connections’ post options before you publish your Post.
  • If you are posting from your Profile page (Timeline) – select ‘My Connections’ before you publish your Post.

We also have paid advertising options available for business that would like to reach more people. 

Socially Worth It platform is a public network, meaning all of your content can be viewed by anyone when you use the ‘Public’ Post option.

However, if you select the ‘All Members’ option, only logged in members (registered users) can see your content.

To share content with your friends and followers use the ‘My Connections’ Post option.

And the ‘Only Me’ Post option is exactly that, your content will only be visible to you. This can be used for notes and reminders etc.

You aren’t a member of the Community in which the post was created, simply join the relevant Community and you’ll be able to make a comment and join the discussion.

We review all Ad’s to ensure they meet our Terms of Service.

They are normally published within 24 hours. If there’s a problem with your content we’ll contact you.

We may need to contact you privately regarding the report.

Your Profile name is only visible to you and Socially Worth It team members.

  1. Navigate to the More section of the app.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Select either Push Notifications or Email Preferences and make your changes. 

Note: When making changes to your Email Preferences you’ll need to save your changes. 

Any inappropriate content can be reported with the Report button located below the particular Post or Comment you wish to report. 

Loyalty Points are deducted if you have content removed from our platform. Some of the reasons why content is removed is:

  • It conflicts with our Terms of Service;
  • Other members reported your content;
  • You’ve breached our User Etiquette guidelines.

We have upload limits on the size and number of items that can be uploaded at once. Both images and documents are set to a maximum of 16MB and 10 items respectively. 

With our focus on quality rather than quantity, we’re using an unorthodox method of creating communities for you. This results in higher quality content for everyone, and it also helps you:

  • engage with others;
  • easily find the content that interests you most;
  • reach more people when you publish content;
  • have more meaningful conversations;
  • connect with like-minded people.

It also helps minimise trolling, as trolls who normally skip from one community to another after being banned, will run out of communities to join.

With over 50 groups on the Socially Worth It platform so far, and another 100 planned to be released in the near future, we’re sure you’ll find one you like.

User etiquette guidelines

Don't troll

While we welcome healthy discussions and thought-provoking content, it’s not acceptable to communicate in a way that is purely done to get a knee jerk reaction.

Your Content - your resposibilty

You are responsible for the content you post (publish). Ensure it is G rated (suitable for everyone), factual, and not defamatory, false, or misleading in any way. If you use an image that isn’t yours, please credit the source.


Please refrain from making irrelevant and troll-like comments as they are counterproductive. Stay on topic, be nice, and know when to stop if the conversation is going around in circles (agree to disagree).

Our Communities

All of our communities serve a certain purpose, please ensure you post in the correct community so your content is not considered to be spam.

Sensitive information

Please do not post anything that allows others to identify an individual. If you’ve found a bankcard etc please ensure you hide all images, and any other sensitive information before you post.

No naming or shaming

This is not the place to name and shame individuals, organisations, or businesses. Let's keep it positive!

Don't spam us

Our definition of spam includes things like irrelevant comments, duplicate content, unsolicited messages and emails, click bait, and any content that adds absolutely no value to our site, or for Socially Worth It users.

The general definition of spamming also includes things like sending large amounts of private messages to users who are not expecting them, repeatedly posting similar/same content in the same community or in different communities, posting links to harmful third-party content, such as malware, phishing, deceptive pop-ups, etc as well as programming bots that are intended to harm/damage websites, and other platforms.

Don't self-promote

Businesses need to add value when contributing to Socially Worth It communities.

Post an event, deal, or offer for members to take advantage of, or offer advice, or services to those seeking advice or services.

All self-promoting is to be done using one of the following methods:

  • If you're using the Activity page to post – select the ‘Post in: Profile’ and the ‘My Connections’ post options before you publish your Post;
  • If you're posting from your Profile page (Timeline) – select ‘My Connections’ before you publish your Post.

We also have paid advertising options available for business that would like to reach more people.

Note: Some people make a habit of hiding behind their screens and saying nasty stuff, most people refer to these type of people as ‘Keyboard Warriors’ or ‘Trolls’.

While we do our best to moderate this site we can’t control what people say or the way it’s going to be interpreted.

Take some time out if you’re feeling annoyed. Be positive and always communicate in a respectful manner, even when others are not, and never send unsolicited messages or emails to other members!

As a last resort, you can always block another member by simply clicking on the ‘block’ button, either on a member’s profile or on the member’s list.